About Me

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

Ash in thought. A white man with a bald head and a beard, wearing a white shirt.

I’m Ashtar Deza, but well… you can call me Ash.

I spend a fair amount of time overthinking things, and then writing about them. I write fiction, which I like to describe as speculative fiction with a sinister bent. I’m also a software developer and armchair philosopher. General geekiness is implied.

This is my personal blog, so I don’t keep a strict publishing schedule. I tend to write about 2-3 posts per month. Feel free to share my work, but please do include proper attribution and where possible a link.

I don’t have comments here, but I do love hearing from people.

E-mail may be old-school but it still works best: ash@ashtardeza.com

I’m also fairly active on social media, see the links at the bottom of the page.